…and just like that, we entered toddlerhood!

Holla everyone!!! Firstly, my apologies for being off the blog for a while… My little Ganesha is no longer little and has gone from baby➡️toddler and the journey has been quite a ride🙂🙃 

So all you mamas out there, toddlerhood is great for your body. The little one just keeps me on the move allllll the time! 

Along with squeezing in 4-5 workouts per week, I’ve been actively involved in his upbringing and I must admit, I can see the results showing on my body. By actively involved I mean-do as muchhh as possible, it can be as little as getting up to bring that tissue from the next room to clean you baby’s running nose(instead of calling for help)! The little things make the biggest difference🌟
Also, here’s wishing everyone a very Happy Diwali! 

Sweat & shine Mamas✨



Routine baby. Routine you. 

So it’s been a good 4 months…and I’m beginning to get a routine on my gym workouts! The great thing about moving from month 3 to 4 is that the baby seems to develop a routine about his/her daily activities(make sure you help him/her with that. i.e If you’ve started on semi solids, time it around the same time everyday. Also, I feed him totally on demand and it seems to work just fine).So my weight training workouts are still in the basic strength level where I choose to do 2 muscle areas every alternate day. I follow the same variation of exercises for about 3 weeks. For example, today’s muscle areas in focus were the back & biceps.Variations included: 

-pull ups with leg support

-lateral pull down 

-seated cable row

-hyper extension 

-barbell curl


-concentration curl 

So when I say basic, it’s with reference to the kind of variations for all muscles. Like today, I would’ve usually done variations like deadlift/T bar row but chose not to until I reach the strength level I had prior to pregnancy. Reason being, though it’s only been about 4 months since I saw the face of weights, not to forget is that I only stuck to very basic exercises throughout pregnancy.So the gap is wide. A year to be precise. Therefore, take it slow with pushing your limits right now but be very very consistent. Less but routine is the key! 

Here are a few pictures of the little one from today. Was so happy to see him though I was out of sight only for about 2 hours. He’s beginning to love wobble-standing🙈 

I think it’s a great break for a new mom to spend an hour or two just doing what she enjoys. And choosing to workout is just the right one! 

Happy motherhood👼🏻
